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Personal information protection policy

Faced with the development of new communication tools, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the protection of privacy. This is why we are committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information we collect.

Collection of personal information

  • Firstname name
  • Address
  • Postal code
  • email address
  • Telephone/fax number

The personal information we collect is collected through forms and through the interactivity established between you and our website. We also use, as indicated in the following section, cookies and/or log files to gather information about you.

Person responsible for the protection of personal information

For any questions regarding the processing or updating of your personal information or to express any concerns in this regard, please contact us via the following email address: [email protected]. The person responsible for the protection of personal information will contact you within thirty (30) days following receipt of your email.

Claire Plourde

Communications and marketing manager

Musée POP

819-372-0406 p.257

[email protected]

Forms and interactivity:

Your personal information is collected via forms, namely:

  • Registration Form

We use the information thus collected for the following purposes:

  • Order tracking
  • Subscribe to the newsletter
  • Information / Promotional offers
  • Statistics
  • Contact

Your information is also collected through the interactivity that may occur between you and our website. The Musée POP collects technical information through log files and cookies such as IP addresses, pages visited, requests, date, time of connection, browser type , the computer system used or the domain name of the website from which the link to the site was established

Cookies report behavioral statistics about site visitors to allow them to personalize content and improve our website. This site uses several features of Google Analytics, using specific cookies, which allow us to associate visitor statistics on this site with other data in our possession.

The Musée POP shares information about the use of its site with certain partners, social media and advertising agencies who may combine it with other information that you have provided to them or that they have collected during your use of their services to provide you with advertisements targeted to your interests (retargeting) and specific information (gender, age group, general interests, etc.).

The Musée POP undertakes not to sell the personal information collected to third parties.

Right of opposition and withdrawal

We are committed to offering you the right to object and withdraw your personal information.

The right to object is understood as the possibility offered to Internet users to refuse that their personal information be used for certain purposes mentioned during collection.

The right of withdrawal is understood as the possibility offered to Internet users to request that their personal information no longer appear, for example, in a mailing list.

To exercise these rights, you can notify us:

Musée POP

200, rue Laviolette

Trois-Rivières (Quebec)

G9A 6L5

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 819-372-0406

Permission to access

We undertake to recognize a right of access and rectification to data subjects wishing to consult, modify or even delete information concerning them.

The exercise of this right will be:

Musée POP

200, rue Laviolette

Trois-Rivières (Quebec)

G9A 6L5

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 819-372-0406


The personal information we collect is stored in a secure environment. People working for us are required to respect the confidentiality of your information.

To ensure the security of your personal information, we use the following measures:

  • Access management – authorized person
  • Network monitoring software
  • Computer backup
  • Login password
  • Firewall

We are committed to maintaining a high degree of confidentiality by integrating the latest technological innovations to ensure the confidentiality of your transactions. However, as no mechanism offers maximum security, some risk is always present when using the Internet to transmit personal information.

Links to other sites

Certain links on our site may take you to other websites that are not operated under this policy. When you click to go to these websites, this policy no longer applies. We encourage you to review the privacy statements and practices of third party websites to understand their procedures for collecting, using and disclosing your information.

Hyperlinks are provided solely for the convenience of users. In no way does the POP Museum control, endorse or guarantee these sites accessible from this portal, and the POP Museum cannot be held responsible for the content or practices of these sites, in particular with regard to the protection of personal information and privacy.


We are committed to respecting the legislative provisions set out in Law 25 on the protection of personal information.

Photos, press releases and fact sheets contained on this site may be downloaded and reproduced for journalistic purposes or for reproduction in authorized media only.