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Donate to the Museum's Foundation

Your donation will enable the Foundation to support the educational and cultural mission of Musée POP. Funds raised by the Foundation will help implement new development projects, add cultural activities, make the Museum even more accessible to the public, and promote Quebecois culture.

Thank you for supporting the Musée POP Foundation!

Make a donation

Postal Donation

Please send the completed Donation Form along with your donation to the following address:

Musée POP Foundation
200, rue Laviolette
Trois-Rivières, QC
G9A 6L5

Types of Donations

The Musée POP Foundation accepts various types of donations, including annual donations, major donations, planned gifts, testamentary gifts, and life insurance policy donations.

Here are the benefits offered to our donors based on the donation amount (all donors contributing $20 and more will receive a tax receipt):

Types of donations
Donation of $ 100 to $ 249
  • Receipt for tax purposes
  • Mention in the Annual Report of the Museum
  • 1 double pass to visit the Museum and Old Prison to offer a person of your choice
Donation of $ 250 to $ 499 Same benefits as the previous donation more:

  • Individual membership of the Museum and all the benefits for a year
Donation of $ 500 to $ 749
  • Receipt for tax purposes
  • Mention in the Annual Report of the Museum

For the duration of the grant:

  • 2 double passes per year to visit the Museum and Old Prison, to offer to people of your choice
  • Individual membership of the Museum and all the benefits for a year
Donation of $ 750 to $ 999 In addition to the advantages of donors of $ 500 to $ 749, you will receive a double pass per year (for the duration of the donation), to visit the Museum and Old Prison, to offer to the people of your choice.
Donate of $ 1000 In addition to the advantages of donnors of $ 750 to $ 999, you will have your name (or business name) on the donation board in the Museum.

* Membership Benefits: Invitation to exhibition openings, 10% discount at the Museum shop counter, discounts on activities and events organized by the Museum.

Thank you for your contribution to the mission of Musée POP!