
Trash fish

Until October 27th, 2024
Trash fish


Trash fish

The secondary 2 students took up the challenge of redefining the spun aluminum technique to make it a 3-dimensional work.

The shape, the precision of the detail and the mixture of materials were the most important issues in the creation of these bas-reliefs that the second secondary students experienced for the first time.

Students in the plastic arts concentration had to create a marine animal by engraving it in embossed aluminum. They then had to cut out their shapes and make a collage of different recycled materials to represent the pollution of our waterways.


Artists: Leelann Canut Bizineche | Alyssa Gélinas | Grâce Gilard | Ange-Marie-Tresor Appi Kouame | Léa Demers | LaurianneChapdelaine-Beaulieu | Léanne Gosselin | Élodie Champagne | Loraine Lépine | Océane Richard | Meggie-Ann Raymond | Max Doyon | Mina Chauvette | Néo Lefebvre | Kcoeurtisse Atosha